Rain, Rain, Rain: By Carol Livingstone

We drove through a few sprinkles on the way there, which I tried not to look on as an omen of things to come, but the clouds overhead got thicker and darker and when we arrived at the campground my husband had to do the set up in the rain.

It poured all evening and overnight. The morning arrived cold and dripping and stayed that way.

Had we been told by the relatives living near-by that it was rodeo weekend, and for as far back as they could remember, it rained every single rodeo weekend, we would have made plans to go elsewhere, or waited for a later, hopefully less waterlogged time.

But hey, at least we weren’t in a tent, and our reservation was from Friday through Tuesday night, so once the cows and cowboys left town we’d have a couple of days that we could enjoy.

For more see the June 25/13 issue of the Tofield Mercury