Letter: Water a right, not to be treated as a privilege

Dear Editor:

By Gene Hrabec
The councillors that sit on the (water) commission should be held personally accountable for their unexplainable actions in the sale of a portion of the water line and for the justification of such a rate increase to the villages, hamlets, and county residents for their distribution, and any other rural residents who have signed up with the water line. 

The towns of Tofield and Viking have voted on rate increases on services for the other municipalities, yet have voted on a rate decrease on water that they receive on their own distribution systems.

Rural residents that are users are subjected to outrageous hookup fees along with their own waterline maintenance and exceptionally high truck fill prices, which most of the infrastructure had been or should have been paid for with provincial agriculture grants.

For more see the Feb. 7/12 issue of the Tofield Mercury