Landowner wants Beaver County to clean his filthy vehicles

Beaver County Council will deal with a complaint from an Islet Lake Estates landowner who has submitted a bill for $600 claiming the county owes him for cleaning his vehicle.

Beaver County began resurfacing the Islet Lake road recently, with hopes of fixing the boggy pathway which has always had a history of breaking down easily.

Frustrated landowner Darby Dietz said in a June 7 email that the road crew dug up the road but didn’t pack it down properly. When it rained on the weekend of July 11 and 12 “we had to use 4wd to access our house.”

Further he said the mess on his truck would not wash off with a “normal” pressure washer.

“According to our MLA, the road is your responsibility and … for more see the July 19/16 Beaver County Chronicle inside this week’s Tofield Mercury or Viking Weekly Review