“How my grandmother saved her horse” – A recollection of a story told to local Tofield writer and poet when she was a child

Written By
Mary Kowalchuk

My grandmother’s historical story takes place in the village of Harasymiw. It is located in what was the fertile land of the Ukraine once known as the bread basket of the world. This was rich land in my grandmother’s time before the Chenobyl disaster.

The village was located in a deep, narrow valley with fairly tall hills on each side. A clear fresh water creek flowed through the middle of the valley, thus providing the villagers and their livestock with plenty of water. It was also used as a swimming place for local children, ducks and geese.

Alongside of this creek was a stone paved highway. It connected many scattered villages for miles down the line.

The village itself was neatly kept. All the houses were made of sod, plastered with clay, and whitewashed inside and out. Each house had a thatched roof.

More see the Feb. 28/12 issue of the Tofield Mercury