Career Fairs in Ryley and Tofield help students explore options

Students at Tofield, and Ryley schools had the opportunity to explore various careers within Beaver County on March 28, 29, and 30 at career fairs.

The fairs were a joint effort between Beaver County and Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) for both Viking/Beaver County East and also Tofield/Ryley/Beaver County West.

FCSS Director Tracey Boast Radley (Viking/Beaver County East) said the career fairs were the final events wrapping up a two-year Youth Engagement Strategy project in Beaver County.

According to an information package, the Youth Engagement Strategy was started in 2014 when all councils across the county submitted motions of support to Municipal Affairs through their Alberta Community Partnership program.

The goal was to help Beaver County attract and retain youth by encouraging them to pursue a future in the county… FOR MORE SEE THE APRIL 4/17 MERCURY