Viking/Beaver FCSS board chair receives Award of Merit at banquet


Award Winner Dale Morrical

Dale Morrical, Chair of the Viking/Beaver FCSS Board, received an FCSSAA (Family and Community Support Services Association of Alberta) Award of Merit for his work with the Viking/Beaver FCSS agency.

He received his award on Nov. 17 as part of the FCSSAA Annual Conference Banquet and Awards Ceremony held at the Radisson Edmonton South.

Seven awards of this type are given out each year, one for each FCSS region, with Viking/Beaver being part of the East Central FCSS Region.

He was nominated by the Viking/Beaver FCSS Board.

Attending with him were Viking Beaver FCSS board members Tricia Chrystian and Beaver County Councillor for Division 5 Arnold Hanson, FCSSAA President Jeff Carlson, board member and Holden Village Councillor Bernie Marko, and Viking/Beaver FCSS Director Joanne Stewart.

More photos see the Nov. 29/11 Tofield Mercury

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