I’ve decided to take full advantage in 2012 of my advanced years so have made a few resolutions regarding same.

• I will no longer consider Velcro closures on my shoes and wearing socks with sandals as fashion faux pas but as perfectly acceptable, even expected, wearable clothing for my age group. When possible I will coordinate sock colour with my shirt, especially when wearing purple.

• I will remember when 3-D movies were commonplace in drive-in theatres but will forget what I ate for breakfast this morning. I will not be offended when ‘retro’ translates to ‘when I was a kid.’

• I will embrace body enhancements such as hearing aids, dentures, and bifocals, because leaving them at home will allow me to filter out annoyances and embarrass my children.

• I won’t mind when people ask my age since it usually means I’m eligible for a senior’s discount. When one is not offered, I’ll make a fuss.

• I won’t mutter about ‘old fools’ behind the wheel because I am now one of them.

More see the Jan. 10/12 issue of the Tofield Mercury

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