Jacquie Fenske wins P.C. nomination


By Patricia Harcourt

They gave it their best shot, but two local candidates were unsuccessful in their bid to represent the Progressive Conservatives in Fort Saskatchewan-Vegreville in the next provincial election, expected this spring.

PATRICIA HARCOURT PHOTO The candidates pose onstage following speeches and just prior to the voting at the Fort Saskatchewan-Vegreville P.C. nomination meeting Jan. 25 in Vegreville. They are, from left: Gene Hrabec, winner Jacquie Fenske, Nabil Chehayeb, Jim Sheasgreen and Mark Kozakiewicz.

Strathcona County Councillor Jacquie Fenske outstripped the other four candidates to seize the nomination after the first ballot during a packed meeting at the Vegreville Social Centre Wednesday, Jan. 25.

In a statement following the vote, Fenske said: “I am honoured to be representing the constituents of Fort Saskatchewan-Vegreville and the Progressive Conservative Party in Albert’s next provincial election. Thank you so much to everyone who showed their support, and to the many people who helped make the campaign a success. I am humbled.”

Fenske won over 50 per cent of the 742 votes cast in the first round of preferential voting. However, no other information will be provided as to each candidate’s final standing.

For more see the Jan. 31/12 issue of the Tofield Mercury

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