Award winning young dancer on the rise


Dancing has been a part of Haley Yourston’s life since the age of two. Now the 17-year-old Tofield resident can’t imagine life without it.

“I’ve always danced,” says the bubbly and outgoing teenager, who wears her passion on her sleeve. Maybe her feet, as it is virtually impossible to get her to leave Nikos Dance Studio in Ryley, during the school year. “If I had my way I’d be there all the time.”
In fact Haley, who has spent the past three years dancing out of Nikos, generally spends between three to five hours a day at the studio during the school year.
“We’re like a family. We’ve become so close. You just want to be there all the time.”
She laughs when she says she probably spends more time at the studio than with her own family.
“It’s always been a dream of mine to open my own dance studio.” While the notion of owning her own dance studio may be “really far fetched” and not very “realistic,” it is nevertheless a dream she will carry in her heart long after her final season at Nikos ends next May. Yourston, who will be entering Grade 12 this year, is planning to train as a lab and X-ray technician after high school. In the meantime, she will be whirling and twirling on the dance floor relishing the time spent at the studio, taking on new challenges, learning and sharing new skills, as well as enjoying the comaraderie and special times with her fellow dancers and instructors.

Read more in the August 14, 2012 edition of The Tofield Mercury

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