District Darts Tournament at Tofield Legion

The Tofield Legion, Branch 91, won three of the six divisions at the recent Legion Dart Tournament. In photo, they won second place and are, from left: District 3 Commander John DeMerchant presenting to Brampton Jennings, Tony Oomen, Charlie Soames, Dennis Kinasewich, Wesley Oomen. Also present Tofield Branch Vice-President Chris Beach, and Ladies Auxiliary District 3 Commander Joyce McVee.

Dart players from four different communities enjoyed a warm and cozy weekend tournament at the Tofield Legion recently.

Legion members from Tofield, Camrose, Cold Lake and St. Paul gathered for a Legion District Dart Tournament Friday, Jan. 18th and Saturday, Jan. 19th.

For more see the Jan. 29/13 issue of the Tofield Mercury
Many more photos in the Tofield Mercury

By Patricia Harcourt