Retirement party planned for seed plant manager

The County of Beaver Seed Cleaning Plant was the site of an open house in August 2011, allowing people to see the new colour sorter and celebrate the plant’s 50th anniversary. Attending the ceremony were Dale Collison (third from left), who is retiring this year as plant manager, and then assistant manager Tyler Suchy (far right), who is the new manager for 2013, along with then officials, from left: Board Director Art Gibson, Reeve Bob Young, Board Chair Colin Lang (cutting the cake), Board Director Stewart Upham, and Board Vice-Chair and Deputy Reeve Ron Yarham (also cutting the cake). 

Long-time Beaver County Seed Cleaning Plant Manager Dale Collison is retiring after putting in many years of dedicated service. To mark the event, the seed cleaning plant board is holding a retirement celebration for his work at the plant in Holden.

The public is being invited to come out Feb. 8 to the Bruce Community Hall starting at 6:30 p.m. to wish Dale well in his retirement, as well as meet new plant manager Tyler Suchy.

Suchy had been the assistant plant manager under Dale before being moved up the ranks to become manager. Tyler will also be on hand so members of the public can meet and welcome him in his new position.

By Patricia Harcourt
Staff Reporter

For more see the Jan. 29/13 issue of the Tofield Mercury

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