Doctor Recruitment Chair urges people to take a united stand in campaign protesting cutback to ER hours


The chair of the Doctor Recruitment and Retention Committee wants people in Tofield and surrounding communities to let AHS know it is unacceptable to cut back on hospital emergency hours.

Zenovia Lazariuk is deeply concerned about Alberta Health Services’ decision to close the emergency department from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. Monday to Thursday for an indefinite period of time. She believes seniors, especially those living in the long-term care centre, could be at risk.

AHS stated April 19 that the move is “due to a lack of physician coverage.” The cut in hours takes effect this week, on Wednesday, May 1, and AHS states that, “It is not known when full emergency department hours will resume.”

By Patricia Harcourt

For more see the April 30/13 issue of the Tofield Mercury. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter

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