Former Holden cadet takes over as Nootka commander
The annual ceremonial review of the #56 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps (RCSCC) Nootka is the highlight of the year, a chance for members to show their family and friends all they have learned over the course of the year.
This year’s Reviewing Officer was Lt(N) Jason Finkbeiner, Nootka’s former commanding officer until a year ago. During the review, he spoke to many of the cadets he knew personally.
“It’s kind of nice to come back this year,” he said. “It was great to see the cadets again. You all look great.”
The command position was taken over last year by Lt(N) Brandy Weis-Reinhard, who accompanied Finkbeiner along with Coxswain Kaitlynn Dyck, Chief Petty Officer Second Class (CPO2).
For more see the June 11/13 Tofield Mercury