Former Shonts resident finds old Merc in box in Nova Scotia


Former resident of the area, Gary Patterson, contacted the Tofield Mercury last week when he found a copy of the August 13, 1964 edition among some archives at his home in Nova Scotia.

“My Mom (Edith Patterson) sent it to me along with other family artifacts before she passed away a number of years ago,” said Patterson. The news- paper belonged to his aunt Lillian Patterson, who lived in Tofield in 1964.

“At (nearly) 50 years of age, the paper is still legible although the creas- es along the folds are somewhat tat- tered. This particular edition has a front page news item regarding the 50th Anniversary of the Amisk Creek Lutheran Church,” he adds, which he found quite interesting.

Patterson said that two charter members of the church alive at the time the article was written were: “My grandmother Annie Patterson (listed as Mrs. Alfred Patterson) and my great-aunt (or Grand-Aunt, depending on the convention one prefers) Nettie Moen, born Annetta Anderson. My grandfather Alfred Patterson donated the land where the Church and Cemetery still exist today.”

Patterson was born in 1948 and grew up on a farm just south of Shonts, between Tofield and Ryley. He went to… For more see the Oct. 22/13 issue of the Viking Weekly Review

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