NOTE UPDATE: KNM super wide load heads for refinery expansion at Joffre



After sitting in front of the KNM office for the last week, a large container vessel was smoved early Tuesday morning to a refinery expansion site at Joffre near Red Deer.

A travel advisory by Mammoet Canada, which will haul the vessel, was issued late on Monday, Feb. 24 advising the super-wide load will cause traffic delays on Highways 14 and 21.

The 26-ft. wide and 119 ft. long load will use the entire width of the two-lane highway, including the shoulder.

Pilot vehicles and an RCMP escort will accompany the load. Motorists approaching the front of the vessel will either have to pull over or stop while the load passes… For more see the Feb. 25/14 issue of the Tofield Mercury

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