Ryley residents angry over biomedical waste incinerator project proposal


County must decide if operation will go into its Equity Industrial Park


Officials from G-M Pearson heard vocal opposition to a biomedical waste incineration project proposed for Equity Industrial Park east of Ryley at an open house Feb. 18.

At a Beaver County Council meeting the next day, company owner Joe Kress said he was taken aback by some of the vehemence expressed, but said that wouldn’t deter him from pursuing the application.

However, the previous evening company officials spent almost four hours listening to people questioning the safety of the incineration process. They voiced concerns especially around the emissions that would result from the process of burning things like organic tissues and blood, and the potential harm to the environment that might cause.

Officials countered by stating the new rotary kiln incinerator operated at temperatures from 860C to 10,093C degrees, which they said… For more see the Feb. 25/14 issue of the Tofield Mercury

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