Doctors shown community-wide appreciation at ceremony



A ceremony recognizing the value of medical doctors in the community and welcoming those who choose to practice here took place Friday afternoon in the Tofield Health Centre’s multipurpose room.

On hand were the two doctors now practicing here: Tofield physician Dr. Richard Hackett, and newcomer Dr. Mohammed Muneer, who started his official practice on March 24 and is already busy in his new office in the Toliver Building.

For almost a year, Dr. Hackett was the sole doctor in Tofield, which meant the emergency department at the hospital could only remain open part-time. The Tofield Health Foundation’s Doctor Recruitment and Retention Committee set out to find more doctors and succeeded in recruiting Muneer with another doctor expected sometime this spring.

The good news is that as a result of Dr. Muneer’s setting up practice, the emergency department at the Tofield Health Centre has resumed regular hours of operation, which are 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

For more see the April 1/14 issue of the Tofield Mercury

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