Third doctor delayed in arrival to Tofield, while Health Foundation struggles to find help for fundraising suppers

The Tofield and Area Health Foundation, and its Doctor Recruitment and Retention Committee, is still working on achieving another doctor to practice in Tofield.
“Dr. Rizvi has been concentrating on closing his practice in Newfoundland, which takes some time,” said Cyndy Heslin, Chairperson of the Tofield and Area Health Services Foundation. “He will be arriving late May to early June. Then after his 90-day assessment he should be opening in the Tofield Medical Clinic by mid-September.”
Tofield now has two doctors to serve the health needs of the area, including long-time local physician Dr. Richard Hackett and the more recent arrival of Dr. Mohammud Muneer.
Once Dr. Rizvi arrives, there will be three doctors once again, replacing the two who left in the last three years.
Heslin, however, says there is a deep concern regarding the fundraising suppers that are now on hold due to the lack of a volunteer cooking staff to run it.
For more see the May 20/14 Tofield Mercury