Culture minister impressed by local volunteers at Tofield Museum and Busy B



Fort Saskatchewan-Vegreville MLA Jacquie Fenske took Alberta Culture Minister Heather Klimchuk on a whirlwind tour of Tofield and area, impressing the minister with the tremendous variety of cultural programs and events, and the number of volunteers fuelling these community initiatives.

“I’ve met some fabulous volunteers,” said Klimchuk, who is in her second term as the MLA for Edmonton-Glenora.

Before taking political office, she was a researcher for the Legislative Assembly of Alberta. She was also a writer for both premiers Peter Lougheed and Don Getty.

Klimchuk has been touring the many different communities in Alberta, getting an idea of all the different cultures and cultural events that happen here.

“I just love doing my tours, the volunteerism evident is just so powerful, it’s big-time,” she said. Everywhere the two went in and around Tofield, they were… For more see the July 29/14 issue of the Tofield Mercury

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