NEW DR. RESIGNS: Says, “Tofield not a good fit”


The latest doctor to be recruited for the Tofield community has resigned from his position, according to the chair of the Tofield and Area Health Foundation’s recruitment committee.


A disappointed and obviously frustrated Zenovia Lazaruik confirmed last Friday what the committee and others only learned two days before.

Dr. Rizvi resigned effective June 4 after working since last Dec-ember at the health centre’s emergency department.

“He gave this notice at a medical staff meeting at the Tofield Health Center,” added Cyndy Heslin, Heath Foundation Chair, on Monday. “He has stated that Tofield was ‘not a good fit’ for himself. This could mean many things including, he was not pleased with the patient load; he did not feel he could work in Dr. Muneer’s clinic; his expectations of the relocation to Tofield were not met; (or) he had decided to set up practice elsewhere.”

The doctor had been recruited by a head hunting firm called Global Medics for a $15,000 fee paid by the recruitment committee.

The same firm had recruited Dr. Muneer, who is currently practicing out of the Toliver Building in Tofield. Both doctors refused the offer of the medical clinic currently standing vacant on main street. However, Muneer chose a different location but remains in Tofield… for more see the Mar. 17/15 Mercury

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