Incinerator appeal hearing not finished as high dioxin levels shut down G-M Pearson facility in Wainwright



The incinerator appeal hearing in Ryley adjourned late in the night without those opposing the appeal getting a chance to present the majority of their case. Subdivision and Development Appeal Board chair Gene Hrabec said at the outset both sides should be able to make their presentations that night, but the board allowed G-M Pearson’s presenters to speak for most of it. The hearing will recommence on May 7 starting at 8:30 a.m. at the Ryley Hall.

Three experts for those opposing the incinerator were allowed to give their presentations, although one member of the board felt the lateness of the hour prohibited the board’s ability to comprehend the information presented.

However, the hall was packed with people and very few left despite the lateness of the hour. Speakers were constantly reminded by those attending to use the microphone or speak louder so people could hear. Before the adjournment around 11:20 p.m. people had applauded one speaker three times for his attempts to debunk the large amount of information presented by G-M Pearson.

Word has since spread that as of Wednesday, April 22, the aging incinerator operated by G-M Pearson in Wainwright had been shut down by its own board of directors for exceeding environmental emission standards….

For more see the April 28/15 Mercury

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