Thieves attempt to rob second pharmacy in Tofield


It hasn’t been a good week for Tofield pharmacy owners Darren and Gaylene Erickson.

Exactly a week after their Guardian Drugs store in Tofield was robbed by using a truck to break through the store front, an attempt has been made on the their second pharmacy at the south end of main street.

The Ericksons suspected an attempt might be made on their other store, Tofield PharmaChoice (often called Tofield IDA by local residents). But they didn’t expect it would happen so soon and believe the same suspects may be involved.

“Of course, we’re totally shocked,” said Gaylene. “We thought we would have a couple of weeks grace here.”

After all, they thought, it would take time for the four thieves from the Guardian robbery to sell the drugs they stole, then go through the money, before possibly attempting another theft at the second store.

“We didn’t expect it to be hit quite this soon,” she said. This time, thieves were in the back of the PharmaChoice building cutting the telephone lines, which automatically set off the security alarm.

They were gone before the police arrived and did not make an attempt to get into the store.

This second incident took place at 10:36 p.m. Sunday night, just seven days after Guardian’s safe was stolen.

“They’re getting a little aggressive,” she said, if these are the same robbers, for coming back to town so soon.

Read more in the August 25 edition of the Mercury, on newsstands now!

Patricia Harcourt

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