Tofield Lions Club spearheading $30,000 sledding hill


Tofield kids may be wishing for more snow come next winter when a new hill for sledding and other uses will be available in the southwest corner of the soccer field on the east side of town.

The project is being spearheaded by the Tofield Lions Club, which needs to raise $30,000 for the engineering and construction costs of the proposed 10 ft. tall by 80 ft. long hill.

Dan Hillyer, Lions Special Project Chair, explained: “Currently there is no publicly owned space for Tofield residents to sled, so this will be a welcome addition. The engineering is complete and construction is planned to start as soon as the ground thaws sufficiently in the spring.

“We’re excited, it’s going to be fun,” he said. “The feedback we have received is the kids have no public place to use” and are sometimes using inappropriate spaces instead….

for more see the Mar. 1/16 Mercury