Tofield student wins provincial SADD prize for anti-drinking and driving message



Keana Hollmann’s love of art has paid off for her. Not only has the Tofield student won a provincial prize but her message should help keep people from drinking and driving on Alberta’s roads.

The Grade 6 student from Tofield School is the overall winner of the inaugural Alberta Liquor Bag Contest sponsored by Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD).

The SADD Alberta Liquor Bag campaign works with participating elementary, junior high and high schools encouraging students to write or draw a message on a paper liquor bag on the dangers of impaired driving.

“All the submissions from students are a powerful reminder that we all play a role to help keep Albertans safe,” said Bill Robinson, president and chief executive officer for the Alberta Gaming Commission….

For more see the Mar. 30/16 Mercury

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