Total fire ban lifted in Tofield and other areas of Beaver County
Tofield firefighters responded to a fire call southeast of town last Thursday afternoon. The fire took place just south of Highway 14 on the east side of Rge. Rd. 193.
The call was one of many that local firefighters have had to deal with of late. Due to dry conditions, Beaver Emergency Services Commission (BESC) recently issued a total fire ban for Beaver County.
Since then, grass fires have kept local fire departments busy as other areas of the province including Lamont County dealt with fires and high winds.
However, the fire ban has been lifted as of Monday. Cooler weather and the rain-snow mix which fell on local areas this past weekend have made for moister conditions.
Last week, Beaver County Reeve Kevin Smook provided an update on the fire situation when fires were flaring up in the rural areas…. for more see the April 26/16 Mercury.