An armed robbery at the Alberta Treasury Branch (ATB) Financial Agency in Holden Monday afternoon resulted in three separate RCMP detachments racing to the scene. Two masked suspects got away with an undisclosed amount of money and the investigation is continuing.

The crime unfolded with the suspects, who had parked in the alley behind the building, walking between the ATB and Post Office buildings to access the street where they entered the ATB office.

Wearing ski masks, one held a hand gun while demanding money. Cst. Kimberley Christensen of the Tofield RCMP Detachment confirmed that cash was taken but the amount is not being disclosed.

Tofield RCMP received the call at 3:28 p.m. Christensen and two other officers from Vegreville and Viking attended the scene along with the Police Dog Service from Sherwood Park and Edmonton Police’s Forensic Identification Unit.

Christensen confirmed that a man parked in front of the building gave chase to the armed robbers as they drove into the countryside. The man obtained a partial license plate before breaking off the pursuit.

However, police say the plate was not a match to the vehicle used in the getaway.

The ATB Financial in Holden is housed in the same building as K.C. and Company Insurance Agency, and has been closed since the robbery took place.

Karen Stokowski, K.C. and Co. owner, said the event “completely shocked and shattered us,” but was very grateful nobody was hurt. She posted on social media that they needed some time to relax and understand what has happened. She would inform their clients, customers and friends when the businesses would re-open.

“This has rocked our world,” she said. Although procedures were in place in the event of a robbery, “no one can prepare you for what comes next.”

The police investigation is continuing and Christensen said further information will be made available as it unfolds.



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