Staged insurance accident gets the buzz around Tofield for Thor


ThorSign-June 7-16People driving past the Pattison billboard in Tofield last week noticed more than the fact the sign had changed to one representing Thor Insurance and Registry.

That was lost on many motorists because the eye was immediately drawn to the black truck beneath it with the crunched front end. The truck looked like it had careened off the road located across from the Tofield UFA and hit the sign pole at a high rate of speed.

Many drivers slowed down to get a closer look, marvelling at the massive damage to the truck’s front end. It was the buzz around town on that first day, last Tuesday, May 31st.

Luckily, however, the sign above conveyed the true meaning. The damaged truck was an illustration only to show just what can happen in an accident and Thor’s message was: “You never know when you’ll need us.”

Said Thor’s Travis Jones: “We’re happy to say that, luckily, the collision was staged in this situation. However… for more see the June 7/16 Mercury

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