Third doctor being recruited for Tofield – expected to join Tofield Medical Clinic


Recruit-CyndyHeslinChairHealthFoundatioCyndy Heslin, Chairperson of the Tofield and Area Health Foundation, says she has “great news” with the community expecting a third doctor in the not too distant future. The new doctor will share the space now being occupied by Dr. Hackett who moved into the Tofield Medical Clinic.

“It is in the planning stages and the 90-day assessment still has to be booked before we can have a firm date as to when he might arrive in Tofield to start his practice,” she said as of Monday.

“Stay tuned to our new Facebook page where we will have up to date information there on everything about our medical community that the foundation is a part of. Please ‘like’ our page to receive these updates in your notifications.

“We also have launched a new communications strategy which will encompass a new and improved look to our website and a new pamphlet and e-newsletter that everyone can have access to.”

Heslin gave words of praise for the two doctors in Tofield, Drs. Muneer and Hackett. “Dr. Muneer has shown good faith in our community and has purchased the Toliver Clinic building as he plans to continue his medical services in our communities beyond his contract deadline of December 2016.”

And Dr. Hackett’s move to the Tofield Medical Clinic has been greeted with much success.

“The patients report that there is so much… for more see the June 21/16 Mercury

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