Off leash dog park being proposed for Tofield


off-leashA petition has been circulating with the goal of creating an off leash dog park in Tofield.

Those involved hope to take the petition to the Town Council in the hopes of being able to lease land at a reduced rate for this project.

Trisha Brockhurst got the idea for an off leash dog park while doing recall training with her own dog.

She found that, in order for the dog to learn properly, she would need an open space that was not on her acreage.

Brockhurst would drive back and forth from Beaumont to use their off leash dog park, and realized that it would be so much easier if Tofield had its own.

Brockhurst found some other pet owners in the area that shared this vision, and they got to work trying to make it a reality. The group applied for two grants… for more see the July 5/16 Mercury.

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