Tofield woman trying to get the Province to listen to reason and move road around town


Lutz story picKathy Lutz has written multiple letters to the Provincial Government, trying to get one thing, change.

Lutz lives in the residential area beside Highway 834 in Tofield and three years after being told that the highway would be rerouted, there still hasn’t been any indication of a change to come.

“In the last three years the amount of traffic has tripled and the noise is constant 24 hours a day 7 days a week,” reads Lutz’s latest letter to the Minister of Transport.

The highway is the ‘high load corridor’ between major highways 16 and 14, so is frequented by semis, farm machinery, local traffic, and vehicles transporting dangerous goods such as petrol.

Lutz said it is always ‘scary’ to see all the large and potentially dangerous vehicles going past houses, seniors residences, and the C.W. Sears School.

Another thing that factors into Lutz’s worry is that she sees many people ignoring the stop sign along the road. “It’s like they … for more see the July 12/16 Mercury.

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