Satellites fold, for at least a year


Tofield Satellites senior AA hockey club management has informed the North Central Hockey League that it will be folding for the 2016/17 season, and has asked for a one year leave of absence.

The news is bad for hockey in Tofield, and also for the recreation centre losing a $10,000 per year ice rental customer which draws fans for the concession.

“The direct factor was not enough help,” said Coach and General Manager Jeremy Thom. “I would love for someone else to take over or at least have more people help.”

Thom, who has children in sports and coaches his son’s hockey team, said he doesn’t want to use that as an excuse because if the team had a lot of help it wouldn’t be all that time consuming for anyone. But when it came down to just a few people, it got to be too much.

The coach said the team will probably have a meeting… for more see the July 26/16 Mercury

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