Holden Legion draws large crowd with annual pig roast fundraiser


Roast-HoldenA large crowd gathered round the giant roaster on the east side of the Holden Legion Saturday, Aug. 13 as people waited in anticipation for the well cooked roast pork inside to be carved and served.

The annual event has been taking place for over 20 years now, estimated Legion member Gene Hrabec, who was up at the crack of dawn to help prepare the festivities. “This is our main fundraiser,” he said.

Hrabec said it takes 11 hours to fully cook the centre piece of the supper, the roast pig, which was handled by main cook and Legion President Ernie Rudy, with help from Gene and John Hrabec.

There were 150 tickets sold prior to the event, but inside the Legion people were lining up… FOR MORE SEE THE AUG. 16/16 MERCURY.

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