Landowner angry trailers placed in Ryley neighbourhood


Zoning-trailersA Ryley landowner is upset that old “trailers” have been allowed as a discretionary use to be pulled onto a lot in an established residential neighbourhood.

However, the village says they are two officially authorized manufactured homes that are allowed zoning in the neighbourhood.

Elaine Magneson wrote a long letter to the editor in the Mercury this week outlining her concerns, stating she was not given a chance to object because the legal notification she should have received was not sent out by the Village.

Magneson said the trailers are an eyesore and should be removed from the property. They are located across the street from the residence she owns on 57 Avenue, which is inhabited by her son, village councillor Terry Magneson and his family.

Magneson said that as an adjacent landowner she should have been notified and given a chance to have her say… FOR MORE SEE THE AUG 30/16 MERCURY

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