Here’s what else is in the Oct. 18, 2016 edition of The Tofield Mercury, on news stands now!
– Mayor of Tofield calls former premier Jim Prentice’s death “a sad day;”
– MP Kevin Sorenson tables private members’ bill against controlled substances including Fentanyl;
– County Council passes operating and capital reserves policy amendment to increase transparency and public understanding;
– RCMP warn of animals on roadways; and warn resident to lock their doors in rural areas even in the daytime;
– Opinion: Editorial – Alberta’s mess is nothing for the Premier to be smiling about; Letter: Statement on the death of former Alberta premier Jim Prentice;
– Loose Ends columnist Carol Livingstone asks: “Dishpan Hands Anyone?”
– This Week on the Web: Crocodile wetsuits allow biologist and cameraman to film crocodiles safely; Russian President releases 2017 calendar; Roller coaster restaurant opens in UK; New York man “saves” neighbour’s dog while under the influence;
– Tofield Junior Volleyball action takes Tofield teams on away games;
– Two Page Pictorial: Photos of winners at the 2016 Tofield School Awards Night;
– Also in this edition: Blanket and Classified advertising; Tofield and Area church directory; Real Estate advertising; Help Wanted ads, Community Events, Business and Professional Directory; and much more!!!