Shaylynn Nickel wins Governor General’s Award at Tofield School Awards Night
The Tofield School 2016 Awards Night showcased the achievements of 66 students for the previous 2015-2016 school year. The evening event was held Thursday, Oct. 6 at the Tofield Community Church with family and friends there to cheer on their favourite award recipient.
Winning this year’s Governor General’s Award was Shaylynn Nickel, who accepted the honour from Tofield School Principal Dr. Tony Rice.
The celebrations included Jake Telawsky and Sydney Storvold acting as Masters of Ceremonies.
School trustee Rebecca Heiberg brought greetings from the Battle River School Division Board, congratulating all the students present that night.
Reeve Kevin Smook spoke on behalf of Beaver County, stating that “tonight’s a chance to honour the students.” Carmen Lastiwka spoke on behalf of… FOR MORE SEE THE OCT. 18/16 MERCURY