Tofield Deputy Mayor Deb Dueck appointed to steering committee to review incorporation proposal


steering-deb-dueckTofield Town Council’s meeting took place on Tuesday, Oct. 11. Council met with Beaver Municipal Solutions (BMS) team consisting of its manager Pierre Breau, Aaron Hills and Anne Ruzicka.

Tofield Mayor Harold Conquest later explained it was a “courtesy call” by BMS, which made a presentation concerning its landfill approval renewal process.

The presentation showed the operations and plans for the future of the regional landfill, which is under the management of a board consisting of the five local municipalities in the county.

One of those plans is for BMS to become an incorporated entity, which is in the process of being discussed within the towns, villages and county that have representatives on the board.

At Tofield Council, a motion was passed … FOR MORE SEE THE OCT 18/16 MERCURY

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