Armed robbery at Ryley’s Lisa’s Market nets cash and cigarettes: “Dirty Harry” style gun pointed at owner


armedrobbery-suspectAn armed robbery took place at Lisa’s Market in Ryley last Friday afternoon. Tofield RCMP were called at 1:12 p.m. and two police vehicles were quickly dispatched to Ryley.

Police have video of an unmasked suspect entering the store prior to the actual robbery and are asking the public’s assistance in identifying the person in the still photo of the video surveillance at the store.

One police vehicle looked for suspects on local roadways and highways while another vehicle went to Lisa’s Market on Ryley’s main street to start an investigation into what happened.

Sgt. John Powell reported that two suspects, believed to be a man and a woman, entered the store with masks on their faces and armed with a gun.

Powell said the man pointed a “Dirty Harry” style revolver at the clerk in the store while the female suspect pried open the cash register with a screw driver. The two then left in what witnesses said was a blue car with… FOR MORE SEE THE NOV 1/16 MERCURY

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