Reeve to sit on steering committee studying BMS municipal corporation proposal


reeve-steeringBeaver County Reeve Kevin Smook will sit on the steering committee set up by local municipalities to study Beaver Municipal Solutions’ move to incorporate as a business.

Deputy Reeve Ron Yarham already sits as chairman on the BMS board, and is the county’s representative. In that role, Yarham would be helping to spearhead the incorporation of BMS.

At county council’s Oct. 19 meeting, the Beaver Regional Partnership recommendation that a steering committee be set up to study the proposed municipally controlled corporation was discussed.

Yarham immediately suggested that, as chair, he felt another council member should be appointed to the steering committee so reports to the county could come from a more independent source.

He did state, though, that he could make reports to council based on the county’s perspective. “I can wear two hats.”… FOR MORE SEE THE NOV. 1/16 MERCURY

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