Ryley School Leadership Annual Dessert Night – funds raised for mission to Mexico


dessert-thankyouHow much is a pie worth?

That all depends on the value placed by the bidder on helping a family in Mexico enjoy living in their own home, courtesy of the Ryley School Leadership group. The group is fundraising to return to Mexico and build another home for an impoverished family in April of 2017.

The Annual Dessert Night put on by the Leadership Group is a major fundraiser, featuring desserts and a silent auction. The evening also featured music by talented musicians Nick Ionidis on piano and Sam Fairless on guitar.

Many members of the group gave short speeches on how belonging to the group has impacted their lives for the better. But more importantly, the impact their group had on the lives of others around them, people who were benefitting from the help provided by the teenagers… FOR MORE SEE THE NOV 22/16 WEEKLY REVIEW

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