Ministik School XMas Market great success even with notice of vote on closure review next week


ministikschool-xmasmarketThe halls and gymnasium at Ministik Elementary School were ringing Saturday with fun and laughter as the school held its annual Christmas Market.

The school was part of a “Christmas in the Country” bus tour starting from Sherwood Park that tours south rural Strathcona County to take in musical performances, family activities and fireworks.

But beneath the sounds of holiday joy there was the knowledge by students, parents and staff that the school is once again being considered for possible closure. That is, the Elk Island Public School Board will meet Dec. 15 to vote on whether to set in motion a process that could result in the school’s closure at the end of this school year in June 2017.

With close to a full enrollment, the students appear to enjoy their time from Grade 1 to 6 at the school. Indeed, Grade 6 students Karlee Jorgensen and Kaylee Masini must move on to another school next year and are sad to go.

“Yes, I love it here,… FOR MORE SEE THE DEC. 6/16 MERCURY

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