Upset robber leaves after demand for cash refused


holdenatb-robberyAn attempted bank robbery at Holden ATB was thwarted when an employee refused to hand over any money upon demand. For Julianne Foster, who is the insurance agent at the KC&Co. Insurance and ATB Financial business, it was simply a matter of record when she told him “I don’t have any money.”

This was the truth, as Foster did not work in the bank portion of the building. But the bank robber apparently didn’t recognize the difference and reacted angrily.

This incident took place on the afternoon of Tuesday, Nov. 29 and this is the second time the ATB has been targeted.

So Foster, who was the employee that dealt with the potential robber, is telling her story. The other employees also present were Tanya Tkaczyk and Gail Alger, but Tkaczyk was in the front of the office and did not come into direct contact with the man. Alger was in her office behind Foster and not seen by the man, either….

For more see the Dec. 13/16 Mercury

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