Ministik School under closure review after school board vote Dec. 15


ministik-singThe Elk Island School Board of Trustees voted Dec. 15 to approve a motion to consider the closure of Ministik School.

A notice on the Elk Island Public School’s website stated that the motion triggers the start of a process outlined in Board Policy 15, Program Reduction and School Closure, and the provincial School Act, Regulation 238/97, Closure of Schools Regulation.

Parents successfully fought off two previous attempts to close the school through similar motions by previous school boards in the 1970s and 1990s.

With the school almost to capacity, the question has been what precipitated the motion. There is some speculation that the reason may be the need to fill the recently renovated Fultonvale School, which has 400 students but could potentially accommodate 750…. FOR MORE SEE THE DEC. 20/16 MERCURY

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