Dodds Coal Mine south of Ryley has run on coal as NDP carbon tax nearly double price


coal-pouringDodds Coal Mine south of Ryley experienced a run on its coal supplies last month as the Jan. 1 deadline for the implementation of Alberta’s new carbon tax loomed.

“We’ve doubled what we normally sell in the month of December,” said office manager Carlene Wetthuhn. “We’ve been pretty busy the whole month.”

The people lining up represent Alberta coal users, which are the only ones affected by the new carbon tax. Those coming from other parts of the country are not charged the tax because the consumption does not take place in this province, she explained.

The mine sells its coal at a flat rate of between $42 to $47 per tonne. However, the carbon levy as of Jan. 1 will be $35.39, raising the price by a whopping 80-85 per cent, depending on the type of coal purchased.

“We knew it was going to increase a lot,” said Wetthuhn. “We sell 30 to 35 per cent of coal to Albertans.” The carbon tax is not applicable when fuel is exported out of province…. for more see the Jan. 4/16 Mercury

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