Ministik parents fight to save their school


Ministik parents fearful at the loss of their beloved school heard some good news recently.

The health and safety concerns cited by the Elk Island Public School Board centred around mould and age-related issues for three portables currently being used at the school.

The reasons were given as part of a review triggered after a motion by the board to look into closing the school as of the end of June.

But as of Jan. 20th, the Alberta Government has approved three new modular classrooms for Ministik School. These will be fully funded by the province, which will pay 100 per cent of the costs to deliver and set up each classroom.\

Parents quickly picked up on this new development.

“The motion to close the school was put forward based on the rationale that there were health and safety concerns with the current portable classrooms,” stated the parent of four boys attending the school, Curtis Perrot. “Hot off the press, Alberta Infrastructure approved new portables.”… FOR MORE SEE THE JAN 31/17 MERCURY

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