It’s Round 2 at Ministik School – Parents score points with impassioned arguments against closing rural school


It was Round Two at the Ministik School Feb. 15 where the community heard that closing the elementary school would save Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) $533,000.

To many at the public meeting, that was not enough to justify the loss of their school.

Former Ministik student Spencer Shandro, now a businessman, said the $533,000 was not be a savings because those funds would not be going to another school. “The numbers will remain the same,” he said.

And sending Ministik students to Fultonvale would simply mean increased costs there instead, he said.

The statement that EIPS had found all the cost savings it could before looking at closing Ministik was also challenged. “If you say you’ve found everything you could you are not even looking,” said a parent… FOR MORE SEE THE FEB 21/17 MERCURY

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