Holden couple call Gazebo Park project “fiasco”


A notice placed in all Village of Holden mailboxes has created a stir by calling the Gazebo Park a “fiasco,” and demanding full disclosure from the CAO and council.

The notice was signed by resident Margie Tomashavsky, who believes the full amount spent on the park has not been disclosed, and the village has overstepped its authority by not sticking to the original plan or intent of the park.

The park has not been without controversy in the past including last June when residents filled council chambers demanding, and getting, a reversal on the spending of $40,000 on park upgrades.

Council had received a petition of 850 signatures stating opposition to any further financial input into the park.

Tomashavsky, however, is still upset about what she feels is a lack of transparency about the work done and the money spent on the park. Her husband, Marvin, was a councillor on Holden Council in August 2000 when a motion was passed to spend $30,000… FOR MORE SEE THE FEB 28/17 MERCURY

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