Tofield Welcome Initiative survey results released – more needed in community for young people and their families


A committee set up to help make Tofield and area an inviting, safe and accessible community has released the results of a recent survey.

The Tofield Welcoming and Inclusive Communities Committee was formed in 2014, and has since held a workshop resulting in the formulation of four top priorities the committee would work towards.

These include the need to advertise and communicate events and activities in the community; work with surrounding communities; host more community events and cultural celebrations; and, address rental and housing challenges some may find in moving to the area.

The survey was conducted to help reach those in the community who may be inadvertently missing out on some of the opportunities available.

“We felt it was important to find out the degree to which specific segments of the community feel welcome, so that… FOR MORE SEE THE MARCH 7/17 MERCURY

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