TMHA annual awards banquet honours volunteers of 2016-2017 hockey season and player accomplishments


Tofield Minor Hockey held its annual Awards Banquet for 2016-2017 at the Community Hall on Sunday, April 9.

President of the hockey association’s board of directors Sterling Tiessen acted as master of ceremonies and thanked everyone for coming out to celebrate another successful hockey season.

“You are the best parent group ever,” said Tiessen, who presented flowers to Ice Allocator Vanita Eglauer and Midget Director Cindy Henriksen. “Let’s keep it all about the kids,” remarked Henriksen.

This year Larry Suchy received special honours as the retiring Referee in Chief after 23 years of service, starting in 1994. However, Suchy has actually been a referee for 32 years, and plans to continue doing this despite stepping down as the ref-in-chief.

“Thank you Larry for the many years of dedication,” said League Governor and fellow referee Corey Forbes, who is taking over for Suchy starting next season. Suchy, who was presented a gold whistle as part of his tribute, told the hockey players: “Take your hockey career as far as you can go.”

John Neufeld was awarded the … For more see the April 19/17 Mercury

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