Water returns to Beaverhill Lake attracting thousands of birds – lake “full of water”


Temperatures are rising, leaves are budding and the birds are returning. Spring is officially here! With the arrival of spring comes the re-opening of the Beaverhill Bird Observatory (BBO).

Since April 1st the staff have been out every day, counting birds as they migrate through the Beaverhill Natural Area, and banding songbirds when the weather cooperates.

A lot of birds have been passing through the Beaverhills in the last couple of weeks. The Snow Geese have come and gone, as have the Tundra Swans, Sandhill Cranes, and American Tree Sparrows.

Now the BBO staff are starting to see more of the resident nesters arrive such as the Tree Swallows and Mountain Bluebirds, in addition to migrants like Yellow-rumped Warblers, though more are still expected to arrive.

Come visit the third week of May, it will be… For more see the May 16/17 Mercury

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