Ryley School Leadership Team builds home for Mexican family
From April 14 – April 24, the Ryley School Leadership Team participated in the long awaited opportunity to help a family in Vicente Guerrero, Mexico build a safe and secure home.
Mario and Minerva are a young couple who are working hard to take care of and provide for their beautiful children, Maria, 3 years, and Alex, 15 months.
Mario, a field worker, gets up early most mornings to pick raspberries at a local farm where he can earn between $7 and $25 USD for 12 hours of work.
The struggle and challenges of life are very present and have kept this young family from continuing to better their living conditions of a small shack made with cardboard and plastic.
So, it took a long time for Minerva and Mario to acquire a small piece of land but they were able to fully pay it off last year and become eligible to apply for a home through LiveDifferent. It was our delight… for more see the May 23/17 Mercury